• We Are One2:41

Featured New Song

Welcome to our website

We invite you to sample the words and music of one of our latest songs.  Just click on the forward arrow and sing along to help manifest the paradigm of Universal Love.....

  • 3:33

All Copyrights Reserved, U.S. and International, GBSPublishing.

We Are One


We are one
Until our job is done
We’re walking hand in hand
Just as The Master planned

Strife no more
For peace is at the door
Gaining entry now
As much as we allow

Follow Me
To the shores of Galilee
Where The Master often spoke
And disciples there awoke

Come along
To the place where you belong
Bring the love you hold inside
Let it be your daily guide

Be at peace
In this manner you release
All the cares that need to leave
And you open to receive

Trust in God
Walk the path His prophets trod
Until everyone has heard
Of the peace within His Word

This is our website for MUSIC and SONGS.

(GBSPublishing.netis dedicated to our own literary offerings --- and books by friends as well.  You can click on the titles there and go straight to amazon for a closer look or to purchase.) 

We are a publisher dedicated to bringing what is "given by spirit" into physical being,
whether it be songs, music, videos, art or books .....

This site is being recreated in a new format as the web software we have used for a number of years is no longer supported by the manufacturer.   Come back often as it will take us time to fully format it as we would like it to be.